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What your donation
will be used for

See which projects your donation will help us to make a reality!

Misside Lyceum

Project Misside is already able to offer education through its elementary school and high school. Following our mission of making education available to everyone our next step is to build a Lyceum.


This part of our educational facilities will prepare students for university - something that has strong potential to not only change the student's own life but that of their entire families!


Your donation will be used for constructing the building as well as for obtaining interior equipment.​

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School library

While our educational facilities already include a library we wish to get even more textbooks for our modules so that our students really get the highest quality education possible.


We know exactly which textbooks are needed but we lack the finances to buy them. If you want to be a part of changing this situation, we would be grateful for your donation!

Télimélé nursery

To further support women in Guinea in achieving a self-reliant future, we are currently building a daycare for the children and newborn babies of our hard-working female students and nurses.


We already know who will take care of the children but the building still needs to be furnished and equipped with toys. This is what your donation would be used for.

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Misside pharmacy

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Project Misside was able to build a pharmacy for locals to buy their needed medication. This makes for a big and important impact in the lifes of the locals, as now they don't have to go kilometers away to the nearest pharmacy. 


But we still need your help. Although relatively speaking medication is not very expensive, locals often can't fully afford it. What we  do is raise donations to pay off the remaining amount that people need. Your aid could ensure that the next Guinean can finally afford a vaccine. Even a few cents can change someone's life!

Télimélé maternity hospital

Project Misside created a maternity hospital for children and their mothers. Here we offer general medical treatments, vaccination, nutrition advice and more.


The construction of the building is reaching the finish line, but we are still in need of more money to complete it. Your donation will be used for obtaining construction materials.


Pay a student's tuition

With our donation system you have the option to pay a students tuition!


You will make the greatest impact possible - give another person the invaluable opportunity to obtain a degree. This directly translates into a better future outlook for the students and their families. 


Shaping someones future for the better is just a mouseclick away!

A student thanks the donors of her tuition.

She is able to attend the higher classes due to the received monetary support.


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